Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Drugs and Crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drugs and Crime - Essay Example With its highly addictive nature, the introduction of opium into America in the 1800s was the country’s first introduction to the dangers of recreational drug use. Originally seen as more of a disreputable practice involving the integration of races as mentioned in Martin Booth’s Opium: A History, â€Å"The dens were a sign of decadence and contact with the Chinamen, as with other colored races, was seen as socially polluting† (104), the use of opium quickly spiraled out of control. Tracing through the laws governing opium importation, one can see the government slowly becoming aware of the potential social ills brought in with the practice. According to Holden, opium importation was at first merely charged import duties in San Francisco, which were gradually increased as the government became more aware of the volumes of the drug being imported. However, raising the duties merely served to increase the smuggling trade. By 1898, legal restrictions on the use and distribution of the drug were proving to have little effect other than to drive the trade underground as was reported in that year in the Scientific American. â€Å"The great demand for the extract has induced smuggling, and illicit stills were started everywhere. Opium was and is still smuggled in at the Canada and Mexican lines. It is landed at the islands off shore and brought in by Chinese fishermen, smuggled in on steamers, dropped into the bay and the law evaded in numerous ways familiar to the ‘heathen Chinee’† (Holder 147). Despite the growing power of the opium trade in the late 1800s, â€Å"Illegal Drugs† states â€Å"[international] controls, domestic law enforcement, and a societal shunning of these much-feared substances combined to largely eliminate† the use of drugs by the outbreak of World War II. Evidence of the social opinion of the use of opium and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Essay Example for Free

Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Essay Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan Board: Hedging Foreign Currency Exposure Issue Identification The Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan (OTPP) is a defined contribution plan that was created in 1917 to provide and administer a pension plan for Ontario school teachers. Sponsored by the Ontario Government and the Ontario Teacher’s Federation, the plan currently supports 343,000 teachers, former teachers and pensioners. The recent government decision to eliminate the 30% constraint on foreign investments and the increased volatility in the currency market has prompted the OTPP Investment Committee to address the following: 1. Whether to continue the International Equity Swap Program 2. Whether to administer changes to the Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy Goals and Objectives In order to come to a decision, it is necessary that any solution put forth must align with the goals and objectives of the fund. OTPP is a long-term fund determined to minimize risk, costs and the additional contributions required to fund the plan while maximizing its returns. OTPP Investment Strategy In the early 1990’s the OTPP board realized that it was essential to begin investing abroad to diversify risk and to capitalize on international opportunities to achieve greater returns, given the size of the fund. However, it was not until 1996 that the Foreign Exchange Hedge Program (FX Hedge Program) was implemented in response to a significant rise in currency exposure. As the fund faced increased foreign currency risk, risk management became essential and thus, a hedging policy of 50% of its foreign currency exposure was introduced. Due to the fact that OTPP has a continual commitment in supporting its pensioners, it must expose itself to limited risk and effectively hedge against any unexpected changes in its investments. Hence, a conservative policy of hedging 50% of foreign exchange exposure was enforced. Additionally, the International Equity Swap Program (IE Swap Program) was implemented as a solution to the government restriction of 30% ownership of foreign investments. Since most assets were tied up in non-marketable Ontario Debentures, a swap program enabled OTPP to reallocate its assets. OTPP Performance Evaluation The strategic decision to diversify beyond Canada and into global markets has proved to be beneficial to the OTPP investment portfolio. It has contributed substantial value to the fund over the 10 year period (1995-2005) by reducing potential losses, since five of the six foreign currencies appreciated against the Canadian dollar. For the past 15 years, OTPP investments have also consistently outperformed the benchmark rate of returns, generating a 10-year average rate of return of 11. 4% and a gross return of $15. billion over benchmark returns. Despite the portfolio’s negative rate of returns in 2001-2002, it has still produced considerable investment growth in relation to the benchmark, demonstrating the strength of OTPP’s investment policies in risk management. However, since interest rates have declined by approximately 3% (1990-2004), the value of the pension fund has increased. This has resulted in larger amount of payments made to pen sioners. Additionally, the demographics of the OTPP plan membership have changed significantly over the past 30 years. The ratio of active members per retiree has decreased from 10:1 in the 1970s to the present ratio of 1. 6:1. Moreover, the expected years retirees rely on the pension have also increased to 29 years. All these factors have exerted a great deal of pressure on the pension plan to sustain its funding with contributions from fewer working teachers. With the foreign currency market being increasingly volatile, OTPP is concerned regarding its future ability to support pension payments. Decision Criteria The Investment Committee must consider the following criteria when deciding whether to implement changes to the International Equity Swap Program and Foreign Exchange Hedging Policy: the fund’s exposure to foreign exchange risk, transaction costs, and an alignment of goals and objectives of the fund. Alternative: Although OTPP has performed well in the past, the future outlook of the pension plan remains uncertain. Therefore, OTPP has four alternatives to the future direction of the fund. OTPP can continue or discontinue the IE Swap Program and maintain or revise the current 50% FX Hedge Policy. Continue/Discontinue the Swap Program Previously, the swap program was used as a means to bypass the government restriction on foreign investment. With the regulation being lifted, OTPP has to now evaluate whether the swap program remains necessary. The program has allowed OTPP to reallocate their assets cost-effectively as it eliminates OTPP’s cost of transacting directly in foreign exchange market. Moreover, since OTPP does not gain ownership of the securities, it has reduced the amount of cash required and limited its risk by transferring the risk to counter-parties (UBS, Credit Suisse, JP Morgan, etc. ).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Innocent: Confession of a Welfare Mother Essay -- welfere, poverty, lif

Innocent: Confessions of a welfare mother is a memoir that defies the stigma that comes along with welfare and poverty. It outlines the trials and tribulations of a single Caucasian mother and her ability to maintain her family. Forced to make pivotal decisions and keep the best interest of her family in mind, she must take welfare handouts to get through her financial struggles. This memoir is a way to highlight the obstacles it takes to keep a stable household and get by at the worst times in a single mothers life. At a time of racism and despair, this single mother was able to find a place to call home and give her family a comfortable life. Barbara Morrison, an educated woman who grew up in a nuclear family home, their home included â€Å"[her] parents and children living in one household† (Moore& Asay, 2013). They lived in Roland Park in Baltimore Maryland. Living the â€Å"Average† lifestyle in her parents’ home she felt as if she were an outsider. Morrison decided to go to Western Maryland and pursue her collegiate education. She could not take the racism that went on in 1970 and decided to uproot her life for the better. Worcester, Massachusetts is where Morrison’s life would further take its course, she finally felt at home in this city. Morrison met her closest friend Jill who would also be an important benefactor in Barbra’s life; the first thing that she explained to Morrison was â€Å"The vast majority of people on welfare were white and lived in rural areas, not inner cities† (Morrison,2011).Morrison did not understand this until she was faced with the reality of pove rty. In order to survive she needed to bring in resources, which are â€Å"anything identified to meet an existing or future need† (Moore& Asay, 2013).In Morrison’s case ... ...o get Welfare assistance was a smart decision, but while on welfare she could have been in search for a better job. She didn’t want to take any time away from her children, but it may have been necessary in order to give them an even better life. Morrison did not weigh in the fact that she could have lived even more comfortably, having a well-paying job. When deciding to get welfare, another alternative could have been to teach in a place where her sons could also attend. Morrison was a good care provider for her children, but if she would have altered her ultimate plan slightly, it could have changed her life in a tremendous way. Works Cited Morrison , B. (2011). Innocent: Confession of a Welfare Mother . (1st ed.). Baltimore,MD: Apprentice House Moore, T. J,. & Asay, A. M. (2013). Family Resource Management. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications inc.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Alligator Cracking

ALLIGATOR CRACKING AN INTRODUCTION :- Crocodile cracking, also called fatigue cracking or alligator cracking, is a common type of distress in asphalt pavement. Crocodile cracking is characterized by interconnecting or interlaced cracking in the asphalt layer resembling the hide of a crocodile. Cell sizes can vary in size up to 300 millimetres (12  in) across, but are typically less than 150 millimetres (5. 9  in) across. Crocodile cracking is generally a loading failure, but numerous factors can contribute to it. It is often a sign of sub-base failure, poor drainage, or repeated over-loadings.It is important to prevent crocodile cracking, and repair as soon as possible, as advanced cases can be very costly to repair and can lead to formation of potholes or premature pavement failure. CAUSES OF ALLIGATOR CRACKING :- * Crocodile cracking is an asphalt pavement distress most often instigated by failure of the surface due to traffic loading. * Crocodile cracking can be greatly influe nced by environmental and other effects while traffic loading remains the direct cause. Frequently, overloading happens because the base or subbase inadequately support the surface layer and subsequently cannot handle loads that it would normally endure. Poor drainage in the road bed is a frequent cause of this degradation of the base or subgrade. A heavy spring thaw, similarly to poor drainage, can weaken the base course, leading to crocodile cracking. * Stripping or raveling is another possible cause of crocodile cracking. Stripping occurs when poor adhesion between asphalt and aggregate allows the aggregate at the surface to dislodge. If left uncorrected, this reduces the thickness of the pavement, reducing the affected portion's ability to carry its designed loading.This can cause crocodile cracking to develop rapidly, as overloading will happen with loads of less magnitude or frequency. CAUSES OF ALLIGATOR CRACKING :- Failure of surface due to loading Stripping of bitumen due t o poor adhesion of bitumen ; asphalt Environmental conditions :- (a) Due to excessive rain b) hot weather (c) frost action CHARACTERISTICS or IDENTIFICATION :- * Crocodile cracking manifests itself initially as longitudinal cracking (cracks along the direction of the flow of traffic) in the top layer of the asphalt. * These cracks are initially thin and sparsely distributed. If further deterioration is allowed, these longitudinal cracks are connected by transverse cracks to form sharp sided, prismatic pieces. * This interlaced cracking pattern resembles the scales on the back of a crocodile or alligator, hence the name, alligator cracking. * More severe cases involve pumping of fines, spalling, and loose pieces of pavement. * The most severe cases of crocodile cracking often occur with other pavement distresses, but are exemplified by: potholes, large cracks(3/8†³ or larger), and severely spalled edges. MEASUREMENT & QUANTIFICATION :-There are many different ways to measure cro codile cracking, but in general a pavement distress manual or index will be used. For example, the Pavement Condition Index is widely used to quantify the overall level of distress and condition of a section of road. Measurement of crocodile cracking specifically(and pavement distress in general) is necessary to determine the overall condition of a road, and for determination of a time-line for rehabilitation and/or repair. There are many other rating systems, and many rating systems currently in use are based on the AASHO Road Test.There are two important criteria to take into effect when measuring crocodile cracking. The first is the extent of the cracking. This is the amount of road surface area which is affected by this pavement distress. The second criterion is the severity of the cracking. Severity, which has been discussed above, refers to how far the cracking has progressed, and is often directly a function of crack width. Severity may be rated numerically, or given a rating from â€Å"low† to â€Å"severe†. The rating may be entered into a pavement management system, which will suggest a priority and method for the repair.Systems have been developed that detect crocodile and other types of pavement distress automatically. They measure the severity and frequency of alligator cracking on the road-path. One such machine is the road surface profilometer, which is mounted on a vehicle and measures the profile of the road surface while it is moving down the roadway. PREVENTION & REPAIR :- Preventing crocodile cracking can be as simple as preventing the common causes. Reducing overloading on an asphalt pavement or improving drainage can prevent crocodile cracking in many cases.However, often the specific cause is fairly difficult to determine, and prevention becomes difficult correspondingly. A good strategy to prevent overloading, which is a main cause of crocodile cracking, is to increase the depth of the asphalt layer. According to certain r esearchers, pavements of a minimum strength or thickness can hypothetically handle infinitely many loads without showing structural defects, including crocodile (fatigue) cracking. These pavements are called perpetual pavements. When repairing pavement affected by crocodile cracking, the main cause of the distress should be determined.Any investigation should involve digging a pit or coring the pavement and subbase to determine the pavement's structural makeup as well as determining whether or not subsurface moisture is a contributing factor. The repair needed also differs based on the severity and extent of the cracking. In the early stages, sealing cracks with crack sealant limits further deterioration of the subgrade due to moisture penetration. Small areas may be repaired by removal of the affected area, and replacement with new base and asphalt surface.Once the damage has progressed, a structural asphalt overlay or complete reconstruction may be necessary. CONCLUSION When repai ring pavement affected by crocodile cracking, the main cause of the distress should be determined. However, often the specific cause is fairly difficult to determine, and prevention is therefore correspondingly difficult. Any investigation should involve digging a pit or coring the pavement and sub base to determine the pavement's structural makeup as well as determining whether the moisture is a contributing factor.Small areas may be repaired by removal of the affected area, and replacement with new base and asphalt surface. Once the damage has progressed or the affected area is large and extensive, a structural asphalt overlay or complete reconstruction is necessary to ensure structural integrity. If the government also takes necessary action by giving an yardstick of the maximum ESWL that can be allowed, then cracking can be prevented. However in practical it is not possible always. Our conciousness also plays a great role. If we can understand what can cause cracking and take ne cessary action, then it can be prevented.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

History Behind Moulin Rouge the Movie Essay

It was 1899 in Paris, France, it was the time of the Bohemian Revolution, and it was the summer of love. Christian, played by Ewan McGregor, was a writer and came to Paris to experience this revolution and be surrounded by the artists, singers, and dancers of this new Bohemian world. Little did he know that he would experience something he had never felt before but always believed in: love. Moulin Rouge, directed by Baz Luhrmann, is an exquisite movie musical based off of a real life cabaret called Moulin Rouge in Montmartre. The movie tells the story of the love triangle between Christian, Satine aka the â€Å"Sparkling Diamond† of the Moulin Rouge, played by Nicole Kidman, and The Duke. Although Christian and Satine are fictional characters, the story includes real life characters such as Harold Zidler, the co-mastermind of the Moulin Rouge and Toulouse-Lautrec, a famous French artist. Moulin Rouge is a great look into what life was like back in Paris in 1900, but also adds in the love story between Christian and Satine to make for a great movie musical. In the beginning of the movie, Christian’s optimistic love shines some light into Satine’s dark materialistic reality. To make a living, Satine became a courtesan at the Moulin Rouge. She gets paid for making men believe what they want to believe, so she sells her body to make money. She mistakenly became attracted to Christian for his pure and optimistic belief in love. Seeing that Christian did not have a lot of money, she becomes hesitant of loving him because he would not be able to support her and her dreams of being an actress. With Christian’s pure and optimistic belief of love, he captures Satine’s heart by loving her for who she really is, not for what she is. Although Satine dies in the end of the movie, Christian learns that true love lasts forever even through death. Harold Zidler, who is not a fictional character, is the man who helped to run the real Moulin Rouge cabaret. In the film, and in real life Paris, Zidler was the man who was,  "a ‘brother’ to the artists and the man in the shadows who watched over the dancers and the rest of the personnel with a benevolent eye and ruled with an iron fist† (History). In the film he is the one who is in charge of making sure everything goes perfectly at the cabaret and makes sure all his dancers, especially Satine, know what they are supposed to do and who they should impress that night. Not only did he run the Moulin Rouge he was also a showman and performed with his dancers in the shows. Toulouse-Lautrec was also an important person when it comes to the cabaret in Paris. In the film he does not have a huge role other than help Christian get inside the Moulin Rouge and find a way for him to meet Satine. In Paris in the 1900’s, though, he is said to have been â€Å"the eyes of the Moulin Rouge.† Toulouse-Lautrec attended every evening show when the cabaret opened; and as mentioned before he was an artist, so every night he would sit in a corner and draw the dancers accompanied by a glass of absinthe (History). The fact about the absinthe is also in the movie; Toulouse-Lautrec, Christian, and a few others take a shot of absinthe before they head to the Moulin Rouge one night and the next few minutes of the film are just filled with pure craziness and hallucinations. His artwork, though, was extremely important in the success of the Moulin Rouge. â€Å"In 1891, he drew the first advertising poster for the Moulin Rouge, which today remains the best known image of the Moulin Rouge around the world† (History). His work is still famous today and without him the Moulin Rouge in Paris would not be as well known as it is today. The dancers of the Moulin Rouge were masters of the â€Å"cancan.† One of the stars and also known as â€Å"Queen of the Cancan† was Louise Weber, but her nickname was â€Å"La Goulue.† She is not specifically in the film, but in a biography about her, it states that, â€Å"one evening when she was dancing a frenetic cancan, between two cartwheels she spotted the Prince of Wales, who had come to spend an evening on his own at the Moulin Rouge, and called out, with the Parisian cheek for which she was well know, ‘Hey, Wales! The champagne’s on you?’† (History). La Goulue is relatable to Satine in the film, because Satine was also the star and best dancer and she spotted Christian the first night he was there and while she was dancing called him out in front of everyone who was in attendance at the Moulin Rouge that evening. Moulin Rouge is one of Baz Luhrmann’s best films. The movie came out in June 2001 and has won many awards and is one of the best movies in the musical genre. The set design, costumes, casting of roles, and music all is so perfectly put together to create this brilliant film. Luhrmann, who also co-wrote the movie with Craig Pearce, traveled to Paris with Pearce and the production designer to conduct historical research and write the synopsis for the movie. â€Å"To find ways to depict 19th century Paris and the Moulin Rouge as it may have felt to its audience then – at the cutting edge of sex, music, dance, theater and modern thinking – the filmmakers immersed themselves in the neighborhood, venues and culture of their story† (Luhrmann). Through their research and learning about the culture, they came to understand that the Moulin Rouge was a club that brought all different classes together and Pearce quotes that is the equivalent of â€Å"Studio 54 in New York in the late 70’s; a place where the rich and the powerful can mix with the young, the beautiful and the penniless† (Luhrmann). This is shown in the movie because we see the powerful, such as The Duke, and then Christian who is just a writer, come to the same club to experience the same thing, women and entertainment. The first half an hour of the movie is nonstop music, dancing, lights, and just absolutely craziness. Audiences are not given a chance to â€Å"relax† and just slowly take the movie in; it is fast paced and keeps the movie viewer on their toes just waiting for what will come next. In a movie critique, shortly after it came out in 2001, the movie reviewer describes Moulin Rouge as â€Å"grandiose, glorious, absinthe-soaked excess.† When filming, Luhrmann wanted everything to be over the top and wanted more out of the production; more songs, more sound, more color, more everything (Kaplan C.D.). This is what it was like in the real cabaret, the dancing and songs were all so intense and crazy so the men would be fully entertained and never get bored. There was a lot going on in Paris in the late 1880’s and 1890’s. The Eiffel Tower was built, the first cinematographic screening was shown by the Lumiere brothers, and the most famous cabaret opened its doors. â€Å"The public came in mass to discover this extravagant place with its huge dance floor, mirrors everywhere, and galleries that were the last word in elegance, to mix with the riffraff and girls of easy virtue† (History). The Moulin Rouge was a place for the rich and poor men to come for dancing, music, and entertainment from the ladies; it is said to have been an atmosphere of â€Å"total euphoria.† This was a time where workers, aristocrats, artists, and the middle-class could all gather together to experience cabarets, music-halls, and other night time activities. As mentioned before, this movie takes place during the Bohemian Revolution. This revolution was not a revolution of fighting, but a revolution of art and culture. It was a time for artisits, poets, writer, singers, dancers, and anyone else who wanted to express themselves to show off their talents and be recognized. These were the â€Å"children of the revolution† (Moulin Rouge). In the beginning scenes of Moulin Rouge, Christian is told that to really be a child of the revolution, he has to believe in beauty, freedom, truth, and most importantly love. Which of course he believes in love, it is what he lives for and as stated earlier, he is given the chance to experience love for the first time. Not only is the movie based off of the real cabaret in Paris, but it is also partly based on the Greek myth of Orpheus and partly on the opera La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi (IMDb). The Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice is somewhat like the story between Christian and Satine. Orpheus is said to have been the best musician that ever lived and until he met Eurydice, he lived his simply and carelessly. Orpheus and Eurydice fell in love and it meant everything to both of them but someone else wanted Eurydice’s beauty and wanted her but she did not care for this other man. To make a long story short, she ends up dying and Orpheus tries to get her back from the underworld but could not save her; all he had left was the love they once had (â€Å"Orpheus†). For Christian, he lost Satine and would never get her back again but what he got from her death was a story of true love that he has to share with the world. Satine was already dying before she fell in love with Christian, but at least she was able to die knowing what it was like to be in love. The opera La Traviata is another love story that ends tragically. Violetta, who is a courtesan, claims that love means nothing to her until she meets a young man named Alfredo which makes her then wonder if he could be the man that she could love. In the end of the story, though, Violetta is diagnosed with tuberculosis and does not have long to live and dies at Alfredo’s feet (â€Å"La Traviata†). This opera, the myth of Orpheus, and Moulin Rouge, are all similar in the way that the woman never really believed in love until they met that one man that changed their views on love, there are challenges to face one the man and woman fall in love, and then it is the woman who dies in end leaving their lovers all alone. Each story is a little different but the same basic idea, from the opera and Greek myth, are apparent in the film. From twentieth century Paris, the Bohemian Revolution, the myth of Orpheus, Harold Zidler, and other historical moments, Moulin Rouge is a one of a kind musical film that is an amazing piece of work put together by Luhrmann. Knowing the history behind the film makes it exciting to watch and understand what it was like back in Paris in 1899. Works Cited â€Å"The History of the Moulin Rouge and its Shows.† Moulin Le Bal du Moulin Rouge, n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. Kaplan, C.D. Rev. of Moulin Rouge, by Baz Luhrmann. Louisville Eccentric Observer, Louisville, Ky.: 30 May 2001. Vol. 11, Iss. 30; pg. 21 â€Å"La Traviata.† The Metropolitan Opera. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. Luhrmann, Baz,, and Craig Pearce, commentary. Moulin Rouge. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Twentieth Century Fox, 2001. Film. Moulin Rouge. Dir. Baz Luhrmann. Perf. Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. Twentieth Century Fox, 2001. Film. â€Å"Moulin Rouge.† IMDb., Inc., n.d. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. â€Å"Orpheus and Eurydice.† Paleothea Myths. N.p., 10 Jan. 2008. Web. 18 Nov. 2011.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition and Examples of Theme-Writing

Definition and Examples of Theme-Writing Theme-writing refers to the conventional writing assignments (including five-paragraph essays) required in many composition classes since the late-19th century. Also called school writing. In his book The Plural I: The Teaching of Writing (1978), William E. Coles, Jr., used the term themewriting  (one word) to characterize empty, formulaic writing that is not meant to be read but corrected. Textbook authors, he said, present writing as a trick that can be played, a device that can be put into operation . . . just as one can be taught or learn to run an adding machine, or pour concrete. Examples and Observations: The use of themes has been maligned and vilified in the history of writing instruction. They have come to represent what was bad about the Harvard model, including an obsession with correcting the themes in red ink, but the womens colleges typically used themes to get students writing regular essays based on common topics. . . . Theme writing, as David Russell notes in Writing in the Academic Disciplines, 1870-1990, continued to be a model for required composition courses at small liberal arts colleges much longer than it did in the larger universities, in large part because the universities could no longer keep up with the labor-intensive practice of having students write multiple essays over the course of a semester or year.(Lisa Mastrangelo and Barbara LEplattenier, Is It the Pleasure of This Conference to Have Another?: Womens Colleges Meeting and Talking About Writing in the Progressive Era. Historical Studies of Writing Program Administration, ed. by B. LEplattenier and L. Mast rangelo. Parlor Press, 2004) Camille Paglia on Essay Writing as a Form of Repression[T]he present concentration on essay writing at the heart of the humanities curriculum is actually discriminatory against people of other cultures and classes. I think its a game. Its very, very obvious to me, having been teaching for so many years as a part-timer, teaching factory workers and teaching auto mechanics and so on, the folly of this approach. You teach them how to write an essay. Its a game. Its a structure. Speak of social constructionism! Its a form of repression. I do not regard the essay as its presently constituted as in any way something that came down from Mount Sinai brought by Moses.(Camille Paglia, The M.I.T. Lecture.  Sex, Art, and American Culture. Vintage, 1992)English A at HarvardHarvards standard, required composition course was English A, first given in sophomore year and then, after 1885, moved to the first year. . . . In 1900-01 writing assignments included a mix of daily themes, which were brief two- or three-paragraph sketches, and more extended fortnightly themes; topics were up to the student and thus varied widely, but the dailies usually asked for personal experience while the longer ones covered a mix of general knowledge.(John C. Brereton, Introduction. The Origins of Composition Studies in the American College, 1875-1925. Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1995) Theme Writing at Harvard (Late 19th Century)When I was an undergraduate at Harvard our instructors in English composition endeavored to cultivate in us a something they termed The daily theme eye. . . .Daily themes in my day had to be short, not over a page of handwriting. They had to be deposited in a box at the professors door not later than ten-five in the morning. . . . And because of this brevity, and the necessity of writing one every day whether the mood was on you or not, it was not always easyto be quite modestto make these themes literature, which, we were told by our instructors, is the transmission through the written word, from writer to reader, of a mood, an emotion, a picture, an idea.(Walter Prichard Eaton, Daily Theme Eye. The Atlantic Monthly, March 1907)The Chief Benefit of Theme-Writing (1909)The chief benefit derived from theme-writing lies probably in the instructors indication of errors in the themes and his showing how these errors are to be corrected; for by these means the student may learn the rules that he is inclined to violate, and thus may be helped to eliminate the defects from his writing. Hence it is important that the errors and the way to correct them be shown to the student as completely and clearly as possible. For instance, suppose that a theme contains the sentence I have always chosen for my companions people whom I thought had high ideals. Suppose the instructor points out the grammatical fault and gives the student information to this effect: An expression such as he says, he thinks, or he hears interpolated in a relative clause does not affect the case of the subject of the clause. For example, The man who I thought was my friend deceived me is correct; who is the subject of was my friend; I thought is a parenthesis which does not affect the case of who. In your sentence, whom is not the object of thought, but the subject of had high ideals; it should therefore be in the nominative case. From this information the stud ent is likely to get more than the mere knowledge that the whom in this particular case should be changed to who; he is likely to learn a principle, the knowledge of whichif he will remember itwill keep him from committing similar errors in future.But the theme from which one sentence is quoted above contains fourteen other errors; and the forty-nine other themes which the instructor is to hand back to-morrow morning contain among them about seven hundred and eighty-five more. How shall the instructor, as he indicates these eight hundred errors, furnish the information called for by each one? Obviously he must use some kind of shorthand.(Edwin Campbell Woolley, The Mechanics of Writing. D.C. Heath, 1909)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Music and Dance as a Part of Our Culture

Music and Dance as a Part of Our Culture Music and dance were known to people for a long time. From the starting point of our civilization, first people could make rough musical instruments and dance to the sounds. At first, dance would be used in religious ceremonies and rituals, for example, to call out the rain in the dry season and in some instances, before going hunting, to bring good luck and a rich catch.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Music and Dance as a Part of Our Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Our ancestors believed that they will please the spirits and the higher forces of nature, thus they will be sent whatever it is they needed in abundance. Only after further development of the social communities and progress of civilization, people began to use music and dance as an industry for masses that was meant to please the ear and eye; it became a part of the arts. In our time, there is a great quantity of many different kinds of gen res and dance types. Many instruments that can be used to produce very unique and distinct sounds have a very advanced technological structure, so the variation of dance greatly increased. Dance is very influential on the person and there is no other medium quite like it that can have such a significant effect on the person. Especially ethnic dance is meant to touch the deepest parts of the human soul, the emotions and can raise the mood and make it light or depress it and have a negative influence on the psyche of a person.  Our family has a unique connection to the dance and music, and how it was used in the family and in social settings. The dancing that was imagined and acted out would be aligned to people’s emotional state, life and circumstances of everyday worries and happiness. An interesting fact that has been a part of family is that it was a connection to the higher power and the spirit world because it is very original and limited in existence. Comparing to othe r types of art which can be made and put on a wall or stored in a museum, the dance only exists while it is made. The modern technology has made it possible to record and store images but our family has had a very different view that has not changed with time. It is believed that in order for dancing to be fully understandable and felt, it must be played live. This is the reason why we never record dancing and try to add variations to it every time, so that there is a unique mood and output of feelings. Very far back in the history of our family, the dance was used by shamans and has been very influential on the mind and soul of people. Sometimes, dancing would be instrumental to put people into a trance or a hypnotic state.Advertising Looking for term paper on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is unfortunate that the majority of society forgot how to be a part of dance in such a way that it touches the inner being of an individual.  The oldest musical instrument that has been in our family is the flute and the dancing associated with the sounds it made. It goes back to five or six generations of relatives but in reality the traditional Chinese dance and flute dates back to ancient times because it was very easy to make and dance to it. The simple structure and making technique of the flute have proven to be extremely effective in creating easy listening and calming down sounds. It is a sort of long tube with a blowing hole and several holes on top that can be closed with fingers. Our particular flute is made from a rough looking wood and was not altered in any way, as it has been a part of family history. Originally, it was used by shepherds and other herdsmen. We believe that it was made by one of the shepherds in our family. While the sheep would be going around looking for the grass that is needed for their proper nutrition, the person would play the flute and dance, to p ass time and uplift the spirit. It is believed that it started even further in the past when people would use flute sounds to create a certain atmosphere for the sheep and the whole process of being out in the nature and connecting with the environment. This made them healthier and brought luck to people and animals in their prosperity and success. It was usually made from a young plant; it would be cut off and measured by the length of the arm of a person. If it was a young child or a man, the length would be different and this signified the connection between the musical instrument and the person. The shorter flute would create a distinct sound attributable to youth and beginnings, whereas the longer one, of an older man, would be linked with wisdom and long life full of health. Also, the holes would be made in such a way that fit the person who played, so each flute was very unique. It is known that our ancestors would dance to the flute in social settings as well. During family gatherings or community holidays, people would gather at home or in someone’s garden, eat food, drink wine and dance. The person who played the instrument and danced made the process enchanting and original each time. As there were no TVs, radios or any other technology that is present today, dancing and making music was a very common thing and people would be extremely good at it. The process was considered a special one, as it greatly differed from all other things that people did. Work was needed to feed the family; church was for religious purposes, and communal gatherings to decide on some matter, so all were related to the routine and everyday life.Advertising We will write a custom term paper sample on Music and Dance as a Part of Our Culture specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More But dancing to the naturally made music or making a new composition was the way people would communicate with their hearts and souls. There was nev er a negative or depressive mood around, when people played instruments, sang and danced. It was always associated with all the goodness that people have in them and the life seemed and became simpler and better adjusted to the circumstances of existence. The following is a chart that outlines the use of dancing to the flute and some other musical instruments, as well as the purposes when they were used. Musical instrument Person who played Reason/occasion Amount of people Types of people Dancing to the flute Member of a family Village/town musician Professional dancer/ musician Family gathering Personal holiday Birthday child birth Single family or with guests Close circle of relatives, sometimes friends Dancing to the drums Village medicine man or member of family Religious occasions and rituals Majority of village/town People of all kinds, mostly religious and those who believed Dancing to many instruments together A group or a gathering from different families Wedding P ublic holiday A large gathering, sometimes from close-by villages and towns Dance/musical professionals who have danced often and for a long time One of the specific stories that is told by the parents is about their great grandparents when they have just arrived into a new village because their previous one was destroyed by drought and heavy winds. As they were the newcomers, it was hard to adjust to life and people. Our great grandfather was a master at dancing and playing the flute and used it to their advantage. Every morning people would come out to the bazaar and bring whatever they had from their livestock or plants- milk, eggs, vegetables or fruits. To get acquainted with people and let them know that they were good people, he would come out every morning and go to the bazaar to dance and play the flute. His particular style was very unique because he would not just start out playing dancing to any melody and continue all the time. He would observe people and adjust to th e situation and settings with the dance moves and sounds of the flute. If someone was sad he would dance and play a cheerful melody, if people had completed a trade or bargain, he would do a different dance and melody. He often made people laugh because he was a great observer and could comprehend what people needed. Through stories such as this, dancing to the flute has become a part of the family and the legacy that has been passed down through generations. It has become a relic and it is important that every member can dance and play at least one melody, as respect to our ancestors.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

USS Shangri-La (CV-38) in World War II and Vietnam

USS Shangri-La (CV-38) in World War II and Vietnam An  Essex-class aircraft carrier, USS Shangri-La  (CV-38) entered service in 1944. One of over 20 Essex-class carriers built for the US Navy during  World War II, it joined the US Pacific Fleet and supported Allied operations during the final phases of the  island-hopping campaign  across the Pacific. Modernized in the 1950s,  Shangri-La  later served extensively in the Atlantic and Mediterranean before taking part in the Vietnam War.   Completing its time off Southeast Asia, the carrier was decommissioned in 1971. A New Design Designed in the 1920s and 1930s, the US Navys  Lexington- and  Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were intended to meet the limitations set forth by the  Washington Naval Treaty. This levied restrictions on the tonnage of different types of warships as well as placed a ceiling on each signatory’s total tonnage. This system was further revised and extended by the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As the international situation deteriorated in the 1930s, Japan and Italy elected to depart the treaty structure. With the collapse of the treaty, the US Navy moved forward with efforts to create a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which made use of the experiences gained from the  Yorktown-class. The resulting ship was wider and longer as well as possessed a deck-edge elevator system. This had been incorporated earlier on  USS  Wasp  (CV-7). The new class would normally embark an air group of 36 fighters, 36 dive bombers, and 18 torpedo planes. This included the  F6F Hellcats, SB2C Helldivers, and  TBF Avengers. In addition to embarking a larger air group, the new design mounted a more powerful anti-aircraft armament. The Standard Design Construction commenced on the lead ship,  USS  Essex  (CV-9), on April 28, 1941. With the US entry into  World War II following the  attack on Pearl Harbor, the  Essex-class soon became the US Navys principal design for fleet carriers. The first four vessels after  Essex  followed the class initial design. In early 1943, the US Navy requested several changes to improve future vessels. The most noticeable of these changes was lengthening the bow to a clipper design which permitted the installation of two quadruple 40 mm mounts. Other alterations included moving the combat information center under the armored deck, enhanced ventilation and aviation fuel systems, a second catapult on the flight deck, and an additional fire control director. Referred to as the long-hull  Essex-class or  Ticonderoga-class by some, the US Navy made no distinction between these and the earlier  Essex-class ships. Construction The first ship to move forward with the altered Essex-class design was USS  Hancock  (CV-14) which was later re-named Ticonderoga. This was followed by additional ships including USS Shangri-La (CV-38).   Construction commenced January 15, 1943, at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. A significant departure from US Navy naming conventions, Shangri-La referenced a distant land in James Hiltons Lost Horizons. The name was chosen as President Franklin D. Roosevelt had cheekily stated that the bombers used in the 1942 Doolittle Raid had departed from a base in Shangri-La.   Entering the water on February 24, 1944,  Josephine Doolittle, wife of Major General Jimmy Doolittle, served as sponsor. Work quickly advanced and Shangri-La entered commission on September 15, 1944, with Captain James D. Barner in command.  Ã‚   USS Shangri-La  (CV-38) - Overview Nation:  United StatesType:  Aircraft CarrierShipyard:  Norfolk Naval ShipyardLaid Down:  January 15, 1943Launched:  February 24, 1944Commissioned:  September 15, 1944Fate:  Sold for scrap, 1988 Specifications Displacement:  27,100 tonsLength:  888 ft.Beam:  93 ft. (waterline)Draft:  28 ft., 7 in.Propulsion:  8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shaftsSpeed:  33 knotsComplement:  3,448 men Armament 4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber guns Aircraft 90-100 aircraft World War II Completing shakedown operations later that fall, Shangri-La departed Norfolk for the Pacific in January 1945 in company with the heavy cruiser USS Guam  and the destroyer USS Harry E. Hubbard.. After touching at San Diego, the carrier proceeded to Pearl Harbor where it spent two months engaged in training activities and carrier-qualifying pilots. In April, Shangri-La left Hawaiian waters and steamed for Ulithi with orders to join Vice Admiral Marc A. Mitschers Task Force 58 (Fast Carrier Task Force).   Rendezvousing with TF 58, the carrier launched its first strike the next day when its aircraft attacked Okino Daito Jima. Moving north Shangri-La then began supporting Allied efforts during the Battle of Okinawa. Returning to Ulithi, the carrier embarked Vice Admiral John S. McCain, Sr. in late May when he relieved Mitscher.   Becoming flagship of the task force, Shangri-La led the American carriers north in early June and began a series of raids against the Japanese home islands. The next several days saw Shangri-La evade a typhoon while shuttling between strikes on Okinawa and Japan. On June 13, the carrier departed for Leyte where it spent the remainder of the month engaged in maintenance. Resuming combat operations on July 1, Shangri-La returned to Japanese waters and began a series of attacks across the length of the country. These included strikes that damaged the battleships Nagato and Haruna. After replenishing at sea, Shangri-La mounted multiple raids against Tokyo as well as bombed Hokkaido. With the cessation of hostilities on August 15, the carrier continued to patrol off Honshu and airdropped supplies to Allied prisoners of war ashore. Entering Tokyo Bay on September 16, it remained there into October.   Ordered home, Shangri-La arrived at Long Beach on October 21. Postwar Years    Conducting training along the West Coast in early 1946, Shangri-La then sailed for Bikini Atoll for the Operation Crossroads atomic testing that summer. After this was completed, it spent much of the next year in the Pacific before being decommissioned on November 7, 1947. Placed in the Reserve Fleet, Shangri-La remained inactive until May 10, 1951. Re-commissioned, it was designated as an attack carrier (CVA-38) the following year and was engaged in readiness and training activities in the Atlantic.   In November 1952, the carrier arrived at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard for a major overhaul. This saw Shangri-La receive both SCB-27C and SCB-125 upgrades. While the former included major alterations to the carriers island, relocation of several facilities within the ship, and the addition of steam catapults, the later saw the installation of an angled flight deck, an enclosed hurricane bow, and a mirror landing system.    Cold War The first ship to undergo the SCB-125 upgrade, Shangri-La was the second American carrier to possess an angled flight deck after USS Antietam (CV-36). Completed in January 1955, the carrier rejoined the fleet and spent much of the year engaged in training before deploying to the Far East in early 1956. The next four years were spent alternating between San Diego and Asian waters. Transferred to the Atlantic in 1960, Shangri-La participated in NATO exercises as well as moved to the Caribbean in response to troubles in Guatemala and Nicaragua. Based at Mayport, FL, the carrier spent the next nine years operating in the western Atlantic and Mediterranean. Following a deployment with the US Sixth Fleet in 1962, Shangri-La underwent an overhaul at New York which saw installation of new arrestor gear and radar systems as well as removal of four 5 gun mounts. Vietnam While operating in the Atlantic in October 1965, Shangri-La was accidentally rammed by the destroyer USS Newman K. Perry. Though the carrier was not badly damaged, the destroyer suffered one fatality.   Re-designated an anti-submarine carrier (CVS-38) on June 30, 1969, Shangri-La received orders early the following year to join the US Navys efforts during the Vietnam War. Sailing via the Indian Ocean, the carrier reached the Philippines on April 4, 1970. Operating from Yankee Station, Shangri-Las aircraft commenced combat missions over Southeast Asia. Remaining active in the region for the next seven months, it then departed for Mayport via Australia, New Zealand, and Brazil. Arriving home on December 16, 1970, Shangri-La began preparations for inactivation. These were completed at the Boston Naval Shipyard. Decommissioned on July 30, 1971, the carrier moved to the Atlantic Reserve Fleet at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard. Stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on July 15, 1982, the ship was retained to provide parts for USS Lexington (CV-16).   On August 9, 1988, Shangri-La was sold for scrap.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The automotive industry in For almost the past hundred years the Essay

The automotive industry in For almost the past hundred years the automotive industry has dominated Michigan's economy. How and - Essay Example In addition, in 1990, the city ranked thirteenth amongst largest cities in the United States with a population of about 285,000 residents (Cooney & Yacobucci, 2006). The other thing is that the city was situated along a river, whose water offered power and transportation for outgoing goods and incoming supplies. This paper therefore, seeks to find out why for almost the past hundred years, the automotive industry has dominated Michigan’s economy. In addition, the paper will explore how and why the industry established itself in Michigan, and what have been its effects--positive and negative. From the beginning, Detroit was preferably positioned to be a hub of the automobile industry in the United States. This is based on the fact that the place was squarely located in the heartland of United States—an area that connected many other key regions in the US. For instance, it was linked Pennsylvania, lower New England, Ohio, Illinois and Indiana (McAlinden & Andrea, 1992). W ith these, the required raw materials for production of automobiles were easily transported to the city via rail and the Great Lakes waterways (McAlinden & Andrea, 1992). Furthermore, the coal producing regions of West Virginia and Pennsylvania were directly connected to Michigan and specifically Detroit by rail. Furthermore, the great steel factories of Youngstown, Pittsburgh, Gary, Chicago and Cleveland were just a few miles away from Detroit. The copper and iron mining zones of Minnesota and northern Michigan were reachable without any difficulty by ship (McGinnis, 2005). The other contributing factor was that its centrality at west and east confluence offered auto manufacturers easy access both to the much needed capital and product markets for its unprecedented growth. The contribution of Henry Ford and Dodge was another factor behind the establishment of Michigan as an auto hub (Cooney & Yacobucci, 2006). Before, the coming of Ford, the first auto companies were very tiny oper ations, however, this changed as Ford invented the methods of mass production, along with the advanced assembly line techniques, including vast River Rouge complex, aspects which turned around the scale and scope of auto production in Michigan (McGinnis, 2005). Dodge, on the other hand, set up an enormous Main automobile Plant just close to that of Ford. All these grand automobile plants served to turn Michigan into an American automobile hub. The accessibility of Detroit also brought in enough workers who provided reliable labor for the labor-hungry automobile industry. Potential auto workers from Midwest moved into the area as a result of the declining logging industry. In short, Henry Ford, based in Detroit, Michigan, was responsible for the groundbreaking innovations that were later copied by competitors such as Chrysler, American Motors and General Motors. Each organization set up their headquarters in the Detroit making it the main center for car production not just in America but also world over. Positive impacts of auto industry in Michigan Enhanced Diversity The emergence of the automobile industry completely transformed Michigan and especially Detroit, attracting more than one million new migrants and via its technological aspect and its demographic impact, reshaped the cityscape in different ways. The population of the State changed in diversity (McAlinden & Andrea, 1992). On top of migrants from the hinterlands of Midwest,

Human Resource Development in UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human Resource Development in UK - Essay Example It is necessary for the professional stage to have skilled people with the required talent. It can be made possible to obtain such skill by buying them from outside the organization; that is, recruitment. However, it is also possible to achieve this by training and developing the present employees. Human Resource Development (HRD) is a planned approach that is used in order to invest in human capital. The reason that HRD is important is that one of the most essential factors for the development of a successful industry in the UK happens to the investment is skills. It draws on other human resource processes, for example resourcing and performance evaluation, so that the real and probable talent can be recognized. HRD presents a structure for self-development, training courses and career progression so that an organization's future skill requirements can be met with. In order to respond to restriction against the job market, there should be human capital development in the form of education and skills training. It is possible that some skills are scarce even when there is high employment. Newswire Today reports that in 2007 a report was issued by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) entitled "UK Skills: Making the Grade". This report was based on a survey of over 300 employers. According to this report, 55% of the employers who were evaluated are finding it more difficult to employ skilled workers now as compared to five years ago. In order to deal with this problem, in the same year the UK Government announced a major expansion in skills investment for England of over 11 billion for each of the next three years. Total spending on learning and skills is likely to increase to 12.3 billion a year by 2010/11. This compares with the 6.5 billion spent in 2001/02 (Department for Innovation, Universities & Skills, n.d.). A lot of disparity is present education and training levels of different countries. For example, in Germany they consider technology and production as high status activities. For them to succeed in such areas they have to have a high level of technical training. Thus, German businesses feel greater importance to technical advantage than, say, those in the UK. In the UK not only technology is important but other areas as well, even the ones unconnected to the engineering and technical side. One example can be the Film Industry. It is only recently that the Film Industry has been credited but nonetheless, it is fact that the UK has tried to make it successful. For this, the Film Industry Training Board has been set up. The aim of the board is to improve skills development in the UK film industry. This is only the first industrial training board that has been set up in around 20 years. Industry Training Boards are constitutional organizations that were set up

Friday, October 18, 2019

History- Low Risk #8 The Crown Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History- Low Risk #8 The Crown - Essay Example been made by the Indian company may be maintained at her authority’s pleasure, an indication that the Indians are subjects to the will of the colonial power. The Queen also views revolting Indians as enemies though she provides for qualified amnesty to those who wish to honor her authority. Her statement of protection of rights of the Indians and provisions for equal treatment for job opportunities however presents an appeal to the Indians that their welfare is of interest. The Queen therefore views the Indians as subjects who are slaves to her authority (Wason, p. 2, 3). The King Emperor however addresses the Indian people in a democratic tone. His speech identifies political freedom that the Indians are entitled to and which his authority wishes to grant. The king’s identification of successful initiatives by his authority towards peace, stability, and good governance that respect the will of the colonized territories means that the monarch values the Indians, not just as the colonized but also as a people who are entitled to good governance (Wason, p.

Online Writing Lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Online Writing Lab - Essay Example You, I believe, would also be experiencing the same difficulties with language and culture that all people coming from other countries face during the early days adjusting in the new environment. The matter doesn't get any easier especially for an immigrant coming from a developing and a Muslim country like Pakistan in our case. Locals looking at us with a suspicious eye, jobs not easy to secure, investigation teams just around the corner waiting for us to make a wrong move etc are some of the problems that we have to cope up with. Apart from this there comes the problem of communication gaps that exist between the locals and people like us who use English as a second language. Writing applications, interview letters, and even writing and speaking simple words may elicit negative and undesired feedback due to inappropriate usage of grammar. Sometimes using correct sentence composition may land us in trouble since the usage did not convert to the same context in the local's minds due to cultural differences. Having experienced these issues myself, I have some encouraging news for you about how to avoid landing into tricky situations in front of your peers. Leafing through my computer files yesterday I found my solution to the cultural and language problems I had faced during my initial days in the United States. The solution was a simple Online Writing Lab called 'OWL' for short. An OWL is an always available facility which provides you free writing resources and instructional material on the internet. It is a portal where students, members of the community, and global users can find information to assist them with many writing projects while teachers and trainers can use the material for in-class and out-of-class instructions. Every country has its own set of rules and expectations about the ways to communicate in a business setting. In some countries, they may place less emphasis on written materials and more emphasis on verbal communication. However, in the United States, memos, letters, and emails are important and play a role in creating a person's business reputation. The 'OWL at Purdue' has a special section relating on how Non-Americans should go about writing for a business audience. It includes information on how to approach a topic by getting to the point, to keep the message simple, how and when to use active and passive voice with special emphasis on nondiscriminatory language, and a guide on using verbs rather than keeping the message vague. The best part of the Online Writing Lab is that it provides a teacher-student relationship as in a school yet a completely professional online environment just like in the case of distance learning. You can write a letter for your business purpose, but send it first to your teacher at the OWL from where you will receive instructions and training on how to improve your business writing. As a result you can then send the convincingly written revised letter for the business purpose you initially intended and get a firm response. Not only this, there is a lot more available on their website including basic formatting and referencing styles for business reports, demo letters and memorandums, and writing guidelines. Your reputation remains safe while all the time you learn how to make your writing skills even better. And while your writing skills improve, you are assured that your spoken language gets better. Your convenience is the key here. You can send emails, write letters or memos, and make corrections and revisions all at a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Essay Example Although it is not possible to solve this particular mystery without concrete forensic evidence or the discovery of new information, the discussion that will be presented seeks to define a likely scenario that was the result of situations that were recorded by several individuals and represented within the history of the Roanoke colonists. Before delving directly into the issue, it is necessary to appreciate that the colony of Roanoke was a charter colony; established by Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I. As a charter colony, it was intended as a foothold within the New World and the potential challenge to Spain’s continue development within the region. It was the hope of Queen Elizabeth I, and Sir Walter Raleigh that the Roanoke colony would be able to provide a relatively quick return on investment in English. Whereas it is true that the coffers of Queen Elizabeth I were not shallow, these undertakings and planting colonies around the world were specifically expensive and required the dedication of resources, manpower, and ships; all of these being resources that were desired and demanded by different individuals and power throughout the kingdom. As Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I shared a â€Å"special relationship†, and one that many analysts believe could have been sexual, the agreem ent to provide Raleigh with the necessary resources might not have been performed out of due diligence or based upon the possibility of profitability (Haskell, 2012). Regardless of the rationale, Queen Elizabeth the I provided Sir Walter Raleigh with five ships and a contingent of colonists and supplies that were directed to establish a preliminary colony in North America. The general agreement was that these colonists would be performing two distinct functions at the same time. The first function was to determine whether or not an English colony in North America

Crark and Cocaine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Crark and Cocaine - Essay Example The drug is commonly known as ; troop,cookies,candy,badrock,dice,hardball,devildrug,Frenchfries,tornado,sleet,rocks,paste,grit,raw,crumbs,hot cakes amongst other names in the streets. The major symptoms and signs that show that a person is actually consuming crack include intense feeling of craving for it, irritability, fatigue, agitation and strong feelings of anger (Abadinsky 19). There are two kinds of cocaine commonly referred to as hydrochloride salt and the freebase.The hydrochloride salt is a type of cocaine that is found in powder form that is dissolved in water and taken through methods such as the intravenously which passes the drug to the vein and the use of intranasal means that is passed through the nose of the users. The freebase is a type of compound that is not neutralized by any type of acid to make it a hydrochloride salt. The drug was first developed in 1970 during the cocaine boom and it continued to be experienced into the 1980s.The cultivation of cocoa leaves is believed to be the genesis of cocaine which was being grown in Peru, Columbia and Bolivia and as result it found its way into the American market. In the early 1908s, there was a lot of cocaine that was shipped and it later flooded into the United States Of America market. Much of these drugs went into Miami through Bahamas .Due to the large quantities of cocaine into the market, the drug traffickers and peddlers decided to convert the cocaine powder into crack so that it could be sold into smaller quantities. Thus, due to its cheapness, simplicity in production, readiness to use and the large economic profits that the peddlers got from crack, it became very popular in the market. The packaging of crack also attracted a very large number of users from the poor neighborhoods who could not afford to go out to the clubhouses or those who felt uncomfortable taking it in social places. People had the assumption that the drug was more pure as compared to other powders in the market thus attracting a very large number of users. For example, it is believed that on average, crack contains 55% purity on every $100 per gram of crack .As for the price, crack went for as low as $2.5 in the market for a single piece. People actually started freebasing the drug so that they could get a better feeling once they started smoking it.Freebasing involved smoking the rocks with either and a flame and this proved to be very fatal leading to the death of several users of cocaine. As a result of the many fatalities and the unsafe mode of sniffing the drug, the drug peddlers decided to come up with a more safe method of smoking cocaine known as crack (Brownstein 34). The crack business in the United States is mostly controlled by the Mexican criminal gangs whereby they have controlled the central, pacific, great lakes, southeast and the west central regions. The Dominican and Columbia groups tend to control the northeast and the Florida regions. How crack cocaine is made. Crack cocaine refers to a highly and addictive type of stimulant that is prepared using the cocaine powder. There are two forms of cocaine commonly are known as hydrochloride salt and freebase.The hydrochloride salt is a form of cocaine that is in powder form that is dissolved in water and later on taken through intravenously by the vein and intranasal through the nose.Freebase compound is not neutralized by

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Lost Colony of Roanoke Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Lost Colony of Roanoke - Essay Example Although it is not possible to solve this particular mystery without concrete forensic evidence or the discovery of new information, the discussion that will be presented seeks to define a likely scenario that was the result of situations that were recorded by several individuals and represented within the history of the Roanoke colonists. Before delving directly into the issue, it is necessary to appreciate that the colony of Roanoke was a charter colony; established by Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I. As a charter colony, it was intended as a foothold within the New World and the potential challenge to Spain’s continue development within the region. It was the hope of Queen Elizabeth I, and Sir Walter Raleigh that the Roanoke colony would be able to provide a relatively quick return on investment in English. Whereas it is true that the coffers of Queen Elizabeth I were not shallow, these undertakings and planting colonies around the world were specifically expensive and required the dedication of resources, manpower, and ships; all of these being resources that were desired and demanded by different individuals and power throughout the kingdom. As Sir Walter Raleigh and Queen Elizabeth I shared a â€Å"special relationship†, and one that many analysts believe could have been sexual, the agreem ent to provide Raleigh with the necessary resources might not have been performed out of due diligence or based upon the possibility of profitability (Haskell, 2012). Regardless of the rationale, Queen Elizabeth the I provided Sir Walter Raleigh with five ships and a contingent of colonists and supplies that were directed to establish a preliminary colony in North America. The general agreement was that these colonists would be performing two distinct functions at the same time. The first function was to determine whether or not an English colony in North America

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Catholic Religion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Catholic Religion - Essay Example The old man holds up his hand and gestures to the audience to stop. The audience is completely stunned. Waiting for the old man to react. The old man smiles, looks up at the young man and then says, â€Å"Jesus turned the other cheek, so did I. After that, I have no example to follow and therefore, I can use my own better judgment†. With that, the old man slaps the young man once, twice, thrice and a fourth time until the youth drops to the floor. Towering over him, the old man says, â€Å"I turned the other cheek but after that cheek was slapped, the remaining slaps and the punishment for the first till the last remains with me†. Not at all, there are several instances in the activities of Jesus which make little sense to me and in many cases; I do not understand the deeper meaning behind what Jesus did. However, that does not mean that I think of him as being any less or his activities without reason but in essence, I realize that it is my own failing for not fully understanding the activities of Jesus. I hope to continue to improve my understanding with time and to come to a closer and better understanding of the real meaning in the activities done by

Monday, October 14, 2019

Congratulations Class Essay Example for Free

Congratulations Class Essay At school you have started to put in place the building blocks of your educational future. You have performed so well and are all outstanding students. You have changed your own lives so much and have leaned everything so well. You have all grown up and we are very proud of you. I look around the room and see the stars of the future. You have also changed the lives of your friends for the better. There has been great teamwork and support for everyone. You should be proud of the way you have worked together. Also your teachers and parents have had their lives changed for the better. They do love you very much. Thanks to the teachers for creating a wonderful, nurturing environment for these wonderful graduates. Graduation time is a time of mixed emotions – a time for sadness as you say your goodbyes to teachers and friends who in one way or another have become part of your lives; a day of excitement as you look forward towards a newfound page in your lives- a march into adulthood, independence and self-sufficiency! As you ponder about the happenings of those not so distant past; those seemingly endless nights of work and toil as you struggle for prestige and excellence; the downfalls and the triumphs; the laughter and tears – all have bunched into this thing called experience beckoning you to pause and rest for just a second; and then driving your young imaginations to once again wallow into a renewed struggle for rec ognition and survival! Indeed, being a high school graduate is an end with a new beginning looming in the horizon in each of your young lives. Today’s theme is â€Å"The Graduate: A Partner Towards Transformational Society, An Answer to Societal Change† (Ang Mga Magsisipagtapos: Kaagapay Tungo sa Pagbabagong Anyo ng Lipunan Tugon sa Hamon ng Sambayanan). It is the great challenge for you graduates – on how you will answer this call for a change; a change that will serve as yardstick as to what will be your contributions to this society in the future. In today’s ever demanding environment, you the graduates must serve as a catalyst in providing a vehicle for societal change. First and foremost, you must become productive and useful citizens! â€Å"Success is by choice not by chance†, you are the ones responsible for the preparation of your future and continuing education is the answer – it is  the KEY! With poverty and hardships hindering you to have an access to education; you must steel your hearts and minds, harden your resolves, and bring out your resourcefulness and resiliency yet trusting in the graciousness of the GREAT ALMIGHTY! These attributes for sure will serve as your guide and beacon in order for you to safely charter your course in any â€Å"brewing storm† this life can offer. My dear graduates, you must remember that the right kind of mindset is very important in order for you to be where you want to be. Having the right kind of mindset enables you to focus on the right dreams and aspirations, a necessity in forming the right kind of attitude and habits and in return enabling you to make all your longings and your dreams become a reality. True enough today, these are yet but dreams; but if they do come true – imagine the exhilaration, the happiness†¦ the sweet taste of success all yours for the taking! Therefore you must be in the forefront of change – never tiring of making things work and click, unmindful of all the hurts and failures encountered! My friends there is a saying that as we walk in our journey through life we encounter three different kinds of people; those wh o make things happen, those who watched what happens and those who wonder what happened! My dear graduates where do you belong? I remember, 1995 when I started my years of school, I was so excited for what would I learn in school. Also with every closing program I am so excited also with awards that I would have. For 6 years in elementary, I have gained the confidence that all throughout my school life I would have awards every closing. Graduating from elementary, with our status in life, that didn’t prevent me from striving more and still I continued with my endeavor. I even remember my tito’s and tita’s convincing me to take my high school in Tuguegarao, but then I decided just to study here in mangga high school. From buyun, I walked going to school even during heavy rains and the mud that we walk on, I still enjoyed it and those instances in my life didn’t hinder me from pursuing my dream to finish school and attain my dream in the future. For four years, I endured the hardships and trials that come along my way. Going to school with just enough money on my pocket and not even having the most delicious snacks in the canteen, not experiencing the life of the rich students in the city, made me more think of a better future ahead of me and my family. After all those years, I graduated with flying colors again another trial is trying to test me. My review for the incoming board examination is again my family’s problem, but God is so good to me that my uncle helped me still with my fees. With 6 months of reviewing hard, the day for my board came, I really strive hard to make it good and there luckily I passed the boeard examination. And now, still I am just beginning my life to be a real help and a partner for this society to change for the better by providing a better role as a professional. T his eventful day in your lives and as you go on separate ways; wouldn’t it be nice that one day in the not so distant future you will meet again: some maybe with great tales of exploits and adventure, some of heartaches and pains, some maybe of self realizations and musings†¦ but wouldn’t it be wonderful that in that much awaited reunion you in your selves have found your sense of inner peace? A peace rooted in the fact that you have in one way or another have done your share for the advancement of the society in which you are an essential part? If your answer to this question by that time is a big â€Å"YES†; it is only then my dear graduates that you can really proudly say that you, â€Å"The Graduate† has become a true partner in transforming our society; that you have become a true catalyst for social change! That my dear graduates is my challenge to you all†¦ Go forth and be the hope of generations to come†¦ become hope of the future†¦ HEAL THE WORLD! I hope you have a wonderful day today and enjoy all your celebrations. I look forward to the next stage in your development. You are all ready to go to on to the next stage of your educational journey. Good luck for the future. Thank you vey much and again Congratulations!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Inclusion Of Visually Impaired Students

Inclusion Of Visually Impaired Students Education aims to ensure that that all students gain access to skills, knowledge and information that will prepare them in life. Education becomes more challenging as schools accommodate students with diverse backgrounds and SEN needs. Meeting these challenges demands schools to have an inclusive education. Inclusive education brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. There is now greater recognition that the special needs agenda should be viewed as a significant part of the drive for Inclusive Education (Ainscow, M 1995). The idea is that the concept of integration is being replaced by a move towards inclusive schooling/education. Integration demands that additional arrangements will be made to accommodate pupils with disabilities within a system of schooling that remains largely unchanged (Ainscow, M 1995 p 2). Inclusive education, on the other hand, is a larger and prior concept (Flavell, L 1996, p 5) and aims to restructure schools in order to respond to the learning needs of all children (Male D, 1997). An Inclusive school ask teachers to provide individualised support without the stigmatisation thats comes with separation, and to provide opportunities where all students can learn together in an unrestrictive environment where the quality of their education is not compromised. Appendix 1.1 shows a model of inclusive provision (Dyson, A et al, 2004). Inclusion is not just for student and staff but for governors, parents and the local community (Flavell, L 2002). Research on effective inclusive schooling has shown schools improve thorough whole school responses and not just by teaching strategies that include all learners (Ainscow,M 1994). Appendix 1.2 shows characteristics of these schools (Ainscow, M 1991; Hopkins, Ainscow and West, 1994) 1.2 Legislative Context The amendments to the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) Part IV regulations came into effect on 1 September 2002 via the Special Education and Disability Act (SENDA, 2001). It requires school to implement the part of the Act that prevents such institutions from discriminating against students on the grounds of their disability. It is therefore mandatory for all teachers, including MFL teachers to make reasonable adjustments to allow full participation by students with disabilities. Appendix 1.3 is the overview introduction to the DDA while Appendix 1.4 is the DDA Part VI. 1.3 Fullhurst Community School Policy The legislation makes it clear that all teaching staff is responsible for the provision for students with SEN and/or disabilities. (TDA, 1999) Appendix 1.5 shows specific duties under the DDA outlined by the TDA (TDA, 1999) for use by schools. Thomas (1992) states that the whole school community should be involved in developing a policy on the organisation of support in the classroom. The Code of Practice (DfE 1994) calls for all schools to have a special Education needs Policy with outlines the agreed practice at each stage in meeting the needs of pupils. As required by law all schools who receive government funding are expected to have a written SEN policy with regard to the Code of Practice. Fullhurst Community School has a comprehensive policy which is mandatory for all staff to be familiar with. It includes their guidelines, accessibility, definitions, SEN status, provisions, referral information, learning needs and conditions. Appendix 1.6 is a partial copy of the Fullhurst Community School Guide to SEN. 2. Visually Impaired Students 2.1 Inclusion of visual impaired students It is estimated that there are around 25,000 children and young people in Britain from birth to 16 with a visual impairment of sufficient severity to require specialist education service support. ( In the report entitled Education of the Visually Handicapped (Department of Education and Science, 1972) commissioned by the British government in 1968, it recommends that blind and partially sighted children would benefit from being educated in the same schools. It did, however, also support the general concept of integration of children with visual impairments (VI) into mainstream schools. Further reports, such as The Warnock Report (Department of Education and Science 1978) and the subsequent Education Act (1981) consolidated that right of children with SEN to placement in local schools, with the consideration of the efficient use of resources. During the 70-80s there was a steep rise in the LEA services for children with VI (visual impairment) and an increase in local schools education of VI students supported by qualified in school support workers or peripatetic specialised teachers (Douglas et al, 2009). As this enrolment increased in mainstream schools, specialised schools for the blind were closing or adapting encompassing students with more complex needs (McCall, 1997). The Code of Practice for SEN (Department of Education) accepted that the needs of most children with SEN could be met within mainstream schools but took a moderate stance on inclusion by emphasising the importance of maintaining a continuum of provision for a continuum of needs (Hornby, 1999, p 153). By 2000 inclusion of VI children in mainstream schools had become well documented in policy and practice. Legislation continued to strengthen the rights of SEN children in local schools, culminating in the previously mentioned SENDA (2001) amendments to the 1995 DDA. Appendix 1.7 and 1.8 highlight research and statistics pertaining to VI students in local schools. 2.2 Visual Impairment and Modern Foreign Languages No matter what their educational level, the visually handicapped often display a marked talent for learning foreign languages. This seems to be the result of a particular aural sensitivity and the memory training which forms part of the rehabilitation process. (Nikolic, 1986 p222) The major aspect of work in the modern languages is that while other curriculum areas use communication to teach the subject content, MFL use content to teach communication (Couper, 1996). MFL classrooms rely heavily on non-verbal method of communication and in most classrooms the visual sense plays a dominant though not exclusive role (Couper, 1996 p 7). 2.3 Adaption of teaching practise and materials In traditional MFL learning, teachers use visual projectors, flashcards, wall posters, gesturing, mime and facial expressions to teach, however literature on teaching MFL to VI advocates using different means. Realia, enlarges pictures, mobiles are recommended to introduce new vocabulary and using games such as noughts and crosses, hangman and board games to enhance knowledge. Price (1994) and Couper (1996) show that the adaption of materials for use in class is a time consuming and costly process and as such teachers often have to adapt materials themselves. Appendix 1.9 shows a self-audit for inclusive modern languages lessons: planning teaching, learning and support provided by the TDA (2009) which allows teacher to observe and try out certain methods to keep their classroom inclusive. Lewin-Jones and Hodgson (2005) outline strategies which can be used by teachers to ensure an inclusive classroom. Strategies such as using students names more frequently or touch (once pre-approved before) have been known to work effectively (Jones, 2004). Adapting the way you ask questions e.g what is the man in green doing? to what is the angry man doing? Teachers have to adapt the lesson to include repetition other than using the white boards but through the speaking and listening skills. AFL strategies such as thumbs up or down can be used simply instead of traffic lightsystem where VI students may have difficulty colour differentiating (Appendix 1.9a). McCall (1997) postulates that these changes help, not only the learning of the VI students, but potentially all students learning. From the skills in language learning: reading, writing, listening and speaking; reading and writing can be troublesome for VI students as it is difficult to skim/scan text or move between text and answers or locate specific information within texts quickly. Nikolic (1986) compounds this difficulty adding that that trouble lies in the infrequent contact a VI student has with the written form. Ways must be found for students to access these skills. In MFL it is important for mixed skill activities. This will allow VI students to team up listening and speaking, where traditionally they may be stronger with reading and writing where they may be weaker (Couper, 1996). 2.4 The learning Support Worker VI students often get accompanied to lessons by classroom assistants or specialist teachers (LSW). Their role is not to take the job of the teacher but to enable the learning of the student. It is fundamentally important that students continue to be independent and in control of their learning, the LSW can provide aid in practising dialogues, spontaneous and reading from cue cards. Studies show that the quality and quantity of the work provided by LSWs who speak French fluently is greater than those who dont (Lewin-Jones and Hodgson, 2005). 3. Inclusive Teaching in Year 7 with a Visual Impaired student 3.1 Student X My year 7 French class contains a VI student. On learning this I set about making steps to better inform my planning. I accessed the school SEN policy taking particular attention to the section on visual impairments. Appendix 1.10 shows the SEN guide pertaining to VI. I organised a meeting with the school SENCO and with the students LSW. Appendix 1.11 outlines the material provided by the school SENCO to all teachers of student X. It includes details pertaining to what s/he can see, what s/he needs in the classroom brailler, laptop, hardcopies in font N48 of anything taught on a PowerPoint or at a distance. Appendix 1.12 shows information I learned from the SENCO and the LSW in our meetings and Appendix 1.13 shows student Xs school IEP. From this information I was able to start planning knowing students Xs needs and limitations implementing inclusive strategies. 3.2 Implementation of inclusive strategies ~ Differentiation by support: LSW Student X is entitled to extra disability related funding. This allowed them to have a full time LSW with fluent French accompany her to her French classes. From my meeting with the LSW we were able to work with the scheme of work module 2 and produce a comprehensive vocab list that the LSW was able to adapt in preparation for the term. Appendix 1.14 has the schools Yr 7 SOW. In order for all materials to be correctly adapted lesson plans had to be submitted minimally 1 week in advance. However, having a fluent French speaker as an LSW allowed for ad-hoc French learning for student X. The LSW was able to explain to student X additional tasks. Appendix 1.15 is a lesson evaluation showing how the LSW explained an ad-hoc task I had the students do on something which they were having problems. (avoir v etre). My Teaching I had to adapt my teaching style. As I had no training and the school provided me with some information I had to use what I had learned from the meetings and from learn as you go and learn from your mistakes approaches. Spelling out words I was writing and also reading aloud everything that was being written on or projected onto the white board were things I quickly picked up after hearing the LSW spelling out what I was writing in my first lesson. Appendix 1.16 is a lesson evaluation form from my first lesson teaching this Yr7 class. As student X is an invaluable source of how s/he learns I had 2 meetings with student X and the LSW. Appendix 1.17 included minutes of the first meeting. Regarding AFL I implemented thumb up or thumb down policy. Appendix 1.18 shows lesson plan showing this ~ Differentiation by resource: ICT All power point and ICT work was sent to students X LSW before each class. It allowed student X to use her JAWS software (appendix 1.19) to access the information. An example of such use is appendix 1.20 where student X was able to access one of the lesson tasks and submit her answer by print while the other students handwrote theirs. As the term progressed I was adapting to use aural repetition to strengthen knowledge of vocabulary and phrases. Appendix 1.20 shows an ERF form during my placement highlighting increased use of repetition. Braille Assistive technology benefit the VI but according to Argyropoulos, Martos, and Leotskakou (2005, p 185) the cultivation of literacy skills may be delayed significantlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦., and illiteracy may be increased. Because of this it is important for student X to use braille to have exposure to the written form of French while would ensure written accuracy. Appendix 1.22 has various examples of work adapted into Braille while some of them have been corrected by the LSW, as I cannot do this. In assessment student X is therefore no longer at an advantage at spelling as they have been viewing and using the correct version through braille. Tactile Pictures One of Students X preferred methods to learn new vocab is using tactile images. This allows student X to mentally perceive the image using touch. S/he is in essence picturing the same image as the students who are seeing the image. Appendix 1.23 is a photocopy of the tactile images of animals I used while teaching animal vocabulary. Handouts As previously discussed all handouts are in a font N48. Appendix 1.24 illustrates examples of adapted hand outs for students Xs exercise book and also for listening tasks completed in class. ~ Differentiation by task: An area where some of the more reasonable adjustments were made within the classroom. Student X has no problems engaging in listening and speaking tasks once the hand outs/instructions are in braille / correct font size. However when the student is using ICT /power point to do tasks it had to be adopted for student X. Appendix 1.25. shows an example where student used information on the overhead to match questions with possible answers , while student X had the questions and answers were separately printed for them and then could join them up. Appendix 1.26 shows examples of the Differentiated by section of lesson plan where the tasks are differentiated by the students needs. The subject content is still the same just different how they work with it. Concerning assessment feedback it was essential to go through it verbally with the student. While giving positive award postcards I was able to liaise with the LSW to get the material out into braille. An example of this is shown in appendix 1.27 Student X is then able to access the feedback and comments whenever is convenient. 4. Implications of teaching a student with VI Some of the key highlights and finding I learned with my practical experience teaching VI students are outlined below. A comprehensive and effective school policy The more adaptable teachers can make their classes the more schools can become inclusive. Adapting lessons to with certain SEN can have a benefit for other SEN and all students in general. It becomes clear that planning is the key element and the earlier you have it done the easier adapting the material by experts can be. Similarly it means the easier you can change your lessons as required Teachers have to allow extra time for preparation of classes, assessments tests and exams (Ornsin- Jones, Courtney, and Dickinson, 2005). Teachers have to allow additional time for VI students to complete their work Appropriate training should be provided where there are resources and sessions within the MFL department. It is not enough for meeting but teachers need to observe strategies for inclusion of VI in practise. In terms of MFL teaching there are little resources or sharing of experiences (Stephens and Marsh, 2005). By extension schools should be able to keep on file work done in braille and differentiated resources for future use. Teachers must be confident engaging students with disabilities, especially those with additional support. Prior discussion with the support workers can help strengthen your ability to do so during the lessons and allow you to improve you teaching practices both within and outside the classroom. 5. Conclusion The success of children and young people with visual impairment in mainstream schools is heavily dependent upon the quality of support that is available to them (Mason and McCall, 1997 p 412 ) As figures show more and more VI students are being educated in mainstream schools it is therefore important to have systems in place to help train and educate teachers who are teaching VI students. Evidence shows that special schools have played roles in supporting and training when necessary (McCall et al, 2009). As children with more complex needs enter local schools, the demands on the professional skills of those supporting them can only increase. According to Sutcliffe (1997) Effective inclusion of students with VI relies not only on the provision and appropriate access using differentiated resources, support or tasks but also on the administrative and day-to-day management of the learning environment. Schools need effective policies, a drive for inclusion behaviour, and training for all staff. Also required is a creative, hardworking staff that put the needs of all their students at the top of their agenda. For individual teachers, Orsini-Jones, Courtney, and Dickinson (2005) advise that there may be tension at times due to reasonable adjustments but that if teachers can identify the barriers and remove them for SEN students then you are creating an inclusive environment and positive atmosphere. References Ainscow, M. (1994). Special Needs in the Classroom: A Teacher Education Guide. Kingsley/UNESCO. Ainscow, M. (1995). Education for All: Making It Happen. 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